Passionate Team Affordable RV Products.
RV Automations, LLC is a technology company whose corporate mission is to market and distribute innovative products specifically for the RV market.
The founders of the company, Mike Adams and Ray Roman, have set out to distinguish their company by focusing on bringing new and innovative products to the marketplace. Mike is a full-time RVer and was instrumental in growing several manufacturing companies. Ray runs several online ventures and is an internet marketing and sales expert. He expects to hit the road in his RV in the not too distant future.
Living full-time in his RV has allowed Mr. Adams to meet fellow RV & Motorhome Owners throughout the country, which helped him discover the need for RV Automations, the original “ShorePower Monitor.”
In 2021 after 12 months of designing and testing, we introduced the “Alert Command“. The Alert Command is a complete redesign, multi-function automatic generator start for RVs with text alert capabilities.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions use our contact form to get a hold of us.